Thursday, February 18, 2010

Winnetka Class Feb. 17th, 2010

Another great day at Tiny Treks!

The boys started outside playing in the snow. Some of their activities included building snowmen, destroying snowmen, sledding, making snow angels, and trying to build a snow fort.

I had each boy collect snow in a cup and bring the cup inside with him. We then dropped in tub tint(s) into the cups and observed how long it took for the tub tint(s) to dissolve and change the color of the snow. I filled another cup with tap water and dropped a tub tint in that cup. The boys observed how quickly the tub tint dissolved in the tap water (about room temperature) vs. how long it took the tub tints to dissolve in the snow.

Both classes very much enjoyed building the marble maze, which they built from the top of the table all the way to the ground! They also very much enjoyed placing the marbles in the track and watching the marbles go all the way through the maze.

I read several books to each class including a LEGO book and "The Very Quiet Cricket".

Winnetka Class Feb. 10th, 2010

Thankfully, the prediction of near blizzard conditions didn't materialize and we had another great day at Tiny Treks.

Both classes were able to spend some time outside playing in the snow and sledding in front of the Community House.

Both classes did a craft project. The morning class did a snowman picture and the afternoon class did a Valentines Day craft.

The boys listened to several books: "A Royal Valentine" "Miss Spider's ABC" "Care Bears Caring Contest" "Otto Goes to Bed" and "Giraffes Can't Dance".

Enjoy all of the snow. Have a wonderful President's Day weekend.


Winnetka Class Feb. 3rd, 2010

This week, we were able to take a hike since the weather was not too cold. I first asked all of the kids a question. I asked them if they thought Lake Michigan was frozen. Most kids guessed that the

lake was frozen. A few kids said it was part frozen and part not.
We then walked to the Lake to see if we were correct. We were NOT.
The lake was not frozen.
On the way to and from the lake, the boys had a wonderful time playing on the climbing tree.
Also, the boys all remembered the cicada on the tree in the park next to the lake. They wanted to see if the cicada was still there. They were disappointed to see that the cicada was gone. I told the boys that they would see more when summer comes.
The morning class listened to two books while they ate lunch. I read "Buzzes Backpack Adventure". I also read "Stranger in the Woods" in which animals are curious but hesitant to investigate a "stranger" in their woods. The stranger turns out to be a snowman that children made that includes a carrot nose and bird seed in the hat for the animals to eat. This book has beautiful pictures!

The afternoon class made beautiful valentines and very much enjoyed building the marble maze